How does Alkaline Hydrolysis work?

Aquamation is a water-based process is an eco-friendly alternative to flame cremation and burial. It uses water instead of fire to return a body back to Mother Nature.

The scientific name for this process is Alkaline Hydrolysis. It is the same process that occurs as part of nature’s course when a body is laid to rest in the soil. It uses a combination of water flow, temperature, and alkalinity to accelerate nature’s course.

With Aquamation (Alkaline Hydrolysis), an individual body is respectfully placed in a container that is then placed in a clean, stainless steel vessel. A combination of gentle water flow, temperature, and alkalinity are used to accelerate the natural process of tissue hydrolysis. All organic material is reduced to its most basic building blocks. At the end of the process, there is no DNA or RNA remaining. The sterile process water is released for recycling (our bodies are approximately 65% water to begin with), and only the inorganic bone minerals remain. The bone minerals are processed into powder and returned to the family in an urn, just like with flame cremation.

At the end of the process, the water is returned to the ecosystem via the normal wastewater treatment facility, just as all funeral homes in the United States do during the embalming process. The Aquamation process produces a completely sterile solution of amino acids, sugars, nutrients, salts, and soap in a water solution. These are the byproducts of natural decomposition.

The remains are 100% safe, pathogenand disease free. The ash that is returned to the family is simply bone mineral, or calcium phosphate. The ashes will keep in an urn, or may be buried or scattered in a special place as some families choose to do.

The modern technology has been in use by universities and the scientific industries for over 25 years!  It has been used for the final disposition of human bodies donated to medical science since 1995.  The first pet facility was opened in 2007, and the first funeral home to use the technology was in 2011.

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